Thursday, February 11, 2010

Team 2 Construction Progress


  1. OK, we are convinced. Well Done!
    The proof is in the wooden vertical posts that you had to rig up for house #2, keeping the metal ones in place a little longer on house 1. Wow, 9 courses on the 2nd house... I want Jess on my team next year.

  2. WELL DONE mi hermanos y hermanas!

  3. WOW!!!!! I am so proud of all of you. It seems as though my construction training has paid off!
    Great Job...


  4. Nice job team.

    Y'all were breaking for lunch the second day on the site when this pic was taken, right? Impressive.

    Equally impressive is Gregorio's selection of tee shirt that day. The YMCA guide/princesses' 2009 tee. The Arapahoe Nation has now gone international to include Central America. Nice. Gregorio you are a model ambassador.

    Thanks again for being Christ's ambassadors this week. Well done.

